If you don’t use a web analytics package to interpret customer action on your website then you are missing out on extremely valuable information which can dramatically improve the results from your website.
We recommend Google Analytics because it provides comprehensive web analytics data in a very user friendly format, and unlike equivalent web analytics applications, it’s free!
Google Analytics can provide an insight into:
1. Visitors
- the number of people visiting your site
- how many of these are repeat visitors
- where visitors are located – country, city, region
- how long people spend on the site
- the number of first-time visitors
2. Visitor Sources
- how do visitors find your site? Do they come from search engines, links from other sites, type in the address directly etc.
- what words and phrases are typically used to find your site? These offer valuable clues regarding visitor motivation.
- are potential clients finding what they are looking for on your site?
3. Content
- what pages are performing well?
- what pages are not performing as expected?
- how long do visitors spend on each page?
- what percentage of visitors leave the site after looking at only one page?
- does your site contain bottlenecks or technical flaws that cause visitors to leave the site (eg. shopping cart abandonments)
Even if you are considering a site redesign, setting up Google Analytics on your site can provide useful information which can really assist in planning and developing your new site.